
6hourCalendar /// 8july2017

gonna gonna update


6hourCalendar /// 7july2017


6hourCalendar /// 6july2017


6hourCalendar /// 5july2017

Finally missed a day. Was almost on a 2 week streak which is impressive for me, but I made the mistake again of getting to the point wherw I was just making empty posts to save the date. I think the point of this whole project is clearly about planning and I have been doing anything but that. Thankfully, the day I missed yesterday was a holiday so it kind of works as a nice excused/reset day. Unfortunately, I have to head out to a band practice in a few minutes so no time to plan for now – but I plan on freeing up my night so I can plan the next couple weeks out, as well as catch up on the past 2 weeks if time let’s me. Usually doesn’t but we’ll see.


6hourCalendar /// 3july2017


6hourCalendar /// 2july2017


6hourCalendar /// 1july2017


i posted this on facebook idk why but i did also will update last weeks 6hourCalendars soon and also will automate all of July’s

BIG UNNECESSARY LIFE-STORY RANT coming your way if ya don’t care then just keep on scrollin’ alriiight here we go…

I don’t know why I feel the need to do this, but I do. As much as I hate Facebook for starting the social media seduction of millennial minds to post all of our personal information to the open internet for corporate advertising sales – I still feel compelled towards it. Whatever that means. I’m not exactly sure what my point here is so I’m just gonna keep typing things…

I turned 22 earlier this month and that terrifies me. I’ve been told all my life that my 20’s will be the highlight of it all and I’m already 1/5th of the way through and feel like I’ve done 1/500ths(?) of what I want to do. I admit, as most of you probably already know, I can be a pretty lazy dude sometimes – so I know half of the 1/500ths if on me, but I think the other half is caused by our environment. Our world and our society and how it all works and all that stuff. I know this starts to sound like I’m blaming my problems on something else, but I tend to think of it more as: the way the system works is a problem within itself, and it’s one that I want to help fix.

By ‘the system’ I mean the cycle of school, work, retire, die. There’s a lot more to life than that and I think we all know it, but we accept it because “that’s the way it is.” This irritates me. However, I know I can’t just choose to live in a fantasy and pretend this way of life doesn’t exist – trust me I’ve tried.

This is a bit of a strange segue but – I want to say a bit of a belated congratulations to all my friends who graduated from their 2/4 year colleges/universities this past month or so and to those that are expecting to do so in the next year or 2. Honestly, I have an immense amount of respect for you – but I can’t do it. Maybe in a few years if things don’t pan out, I’ll go back, but right now I want to teach myself what I want to learn for free, not pay someone else to throw information at me that I don’t need. So – I am officially a college drop-out. And to be honest, I’m proud. I know it doesn’t look good on paper when applying for a job, but I don’t plan on applying for many more jobs throughout my life.

I have many entrepreneurial endeavors that I intend to pursue – the long term being: restructuring the public education system, creating a viable alternate economy that doesn’t divide us with money, and helping in whatever way I can to man’s interplanetary mission to Mars. (bunchacrazytalkamirite?) The short term being: playing, recording and teaching music, teaching myself computer art & science so I can get some decent freelancing gigs doing that sorta stuff in the next few months, and I guess Uber/Lyft for now cuz that gets me money for food and what not #noshame.

Anyways, I guess I said everything I wanted to say… I might have missed a few things but it’s almost midnight and I feel the need to post this on the last day of the month in typical procrastinator fashion.

Oh also, I’ve been trying to do one of those blog things so if you’re interested in more frantic ramblings like this one for whatever reason, feel free to check that out:

It’s a mess right now but I’m hoping to develop the website itself along with my web development skills as I try teaching myself that stuff… You can track the progress on that in the little 6hourCalendar series I got going on, which is sort of a prototype for a Time Tracker App I’m going to develop soon also. So yeah. Things to be on the lookout for. Or whatever.

I didn’t really want to post all this stuff but I feel like I need to share it with all you lovely people of Facebook so it obligates me to commit and follow through with it. Who knows if it’ll actually work, I probably just look like another crazy person on your infinitely scrolling wall of other crazy people but who cares! And that’s the waaaaAAAAaaaayyy it goes!!!11

