


spent the past couple of days playing a buncha video games but i just accomplished everything i wanted to so im gonna get back to coding and job hunting now… yay






i’m up before 11am. yaaayyy. i’ve been up before 11 before but it’s usually because i stayed up the whole time or i got something to do that i wake up 5 minutes late for and rush out the door.

this time i just woke up naturally with no alarm or anything. granted, it’s probably because i was playing video games then fell asleep with the lights on = but hey whatever works i guess. i mean, i feel good, so that’s good right? now comes the hard part: staying productive.

i’m starting with writing this, which has been my plan with this “section” of the blog all along. make daily posts that are scheduled to go up at 11am each day, but GET UP BEFORE 11 in order to write down my plan for the day on here before it goes live. of course it hasn’t quite worked out that way as you’ll see in the few days that i actually wrote in the times or mostly around 3am or some other unorganized hour. anyway, to follow up on blog productivity – i want to create another “section”: an opinion section. “my opinions on the news i’ve heard and where i heard it from” is the title that came to mind for it… a work in progress obviously. i have to be very careful with it though because one of my greatest fears is being publicly known to be on the “wrong side of an opinion”, even though it definitely shouldn’t be – humans make mistakes and hell most times people with controversial opinions are the ones pushing for the status quo change anyway (for the better, preferably.)

so yeah there’s that and then i just gotta continue to get my life together… finances, management of skills, etc… i’ve applied to go back to school again and been looking for more jobs, so there’s that… overall i feel pretty good about the past month or so. i think the ball is starting to roll in the “get the ball rolling” process…

more about the school thing, i am going back exclusively for a computer science “certificate” that i should be able to complete in a semester or so. it’s not a degree, it’s not even an associates, but i don’t want those things. i want to develop a new skill. so i will continue to teach myself as much as i can about programming through online tutorials and working on this website, as well as going to school and “doing homework”, then hopefully i’ll be freelancing and working for money for computer projects for other people ASAP. sorry if my words are bad i’m a little tired but not too bad… gotta stay up, get some food, get shit done… woohoo!














just finished scheduling all posts for the month. so that makes this the 2nd month i’ve successfully made a post for every day at or before 11am. the 1st month being october. i don’t know why that feels like such an accomplishment for me but it does.

now i’m going to make a static home page and divert these daily posts into their own section. clean this whole thing up a bit. and actually put an effort into this blogging thing for last 2 months of the year. oh also i want to put out my first app for android on new year’s 2018.

side note: i also applied for a job and to go back to school the other day. so i’ll be starting up the ol’ regular life again. if that makes any sense. i’ll explain more later. for now, things are good. i think this might be a point of change. good change. we’ll see. let’s see.

~ tatafornow


actually managed to get the static home page done. still gotta organize and clean up but a good start. also still got the budget the hell outta my money and learn excel and do more more more a buncha stuff, but tonight was a good night. i’ma call it for now, but expect more. consistent content. it’sacomin’.



edit @ 10:51pm:

gonna schedule all the other dates for the rest of month rn. also gonna try and organize these daily posts into some other section of the website and make a static front page. and plan my finances…

and get my shit together.