this is an automatic post. interlinked.
this is an automatic post. interlinked.
this is an automatic post. interlinked.
this is an automatic post. interlinked.
this is an automatic post. interlinked.
i just went onthe best minecraft trip of my life. i know that sounds ridiculous, but i really feel like it helped me appreciate a lot of things going on right now if that makes any sense. probably doesn’t but anyway, i’m gonna make a dope ass world in that video game while i do dope ass shit with my life. and idgaf about trying to word that any nicer for any potentially critical eye(s) that could read these words written under my name in the future.
finally followed thru – just did something instead of/before talking about doing somethign then not doing it… tired n stupid simple task but i did it – just set auto-posts til end of week. will try to do best to fill all with content and update the next week as well, but who knowss. at least this is a semi-good start. also am going to heaevily schedule calendar for week rn or early tomorrow… should do tomorrow and go to sleep but scared ill forget ideas/lose momentum.
update manana.
this is an automatic post. interlinked.
happy easter y’all jk april fool’s lol i still needa get my shit together.
this is the one though. the 1st quarter of 2018 is officially over, it is now the start of the 2nd quarter. i will have my shit together before half time. of this year. then continue to have my shit together. work hard. save money. have a stable primary income and start a solid side business. keep this going and put it on full blast thru all of 2019. then by 2020, start changing the world.
today was a good day.
i think.
sorry i haven’t written a whole lot in a while, but i will soon. promise.
gonna focus on making a spreadsheet called ‘personal priorities’ now, for whatever reason.
got a potentially life changing job interview in less than 12 hours…
wish me luck.