


sunday cleanday










reboot forealzies this time.





the day i finally got my computer backed up and organized to a degree that i feel comfortable enough to system reboot with confidence… the weight is about to be lifted. i think it’s safe to say this year is off to a good start. no time to get comfy tho, the ball is just barely getting rolling, time to start buildin that moment and not stoppin for the next decade… i shouldn’t overhype it but i’m excited. i feel good. i’m gonna go now. but i’ll be back with an updated OS and system rebooted computer – then i’ll be tackling this website for the next major update. c u soon.





the day i started drawing again.










successful sunday clean-up/organizemyfuckinlife/getmyshittoger day… well, kinda. i slept in and called in sick on a commitment then proceeded to actually not do anything with the newly opened 8 hours of free time i had, but i told myself i could justify if i got all my shit together tonight and by glob almighty have i come pretty close…

see, i have had a pile of “desktop cleaning” folders sitting on my computer where i just dumped any and every file that came thru my laptop onto my desktop page/file folder thing or whatever, then when that got too crowded i’d just shove it all in 1 folder then forget about it… this led to my computer getting so overcrowded with stuff it’s hard drive became full and unusable but all my stuff was so disorganized i was scared to do anything with it for whatever reason… but i have finally managed to make a system and have been slowly but surely filtering out all the shit from the disorganized ‘desktop clean’ folders into more organized folders that i can then back up onto my hard drive, then system reboot my computer so i can start from scratch and just pull the things i need from the now organized folders as i need… i’m sure none of this makes sense but to me it’s a huge fuckin’ deal and after literal years of stressing and overthinking about this bullshit i am finally, as of minutes ago, down to the last/FIRST ‘Desktop Cleaning’ folder i made which is also the biggest and full of the most crap but i am still going to tackle it tonight and hopefully if all goes well i’ll even have the confidence to reboot and know all my shit is good and will honestly wake up tomorrow with a huge weight off my shoulders… that would be nice. i know there are much bigger problems in the world, and i tend to overthink and stress about those too, but the fact that i center my thoughts around becoming some world-changing go-getter but can’t even get basic shit like this done is exactly what makes it so stressful… but i’m fighting my way thru it. and i firmly believe once i am done with this things will start to accelerate at an exponential pace. so i’m feeling good. tonight’s gonna be a good night. the first sunday of 2019 is a success, which i think sets a good principle for the year to follow. all good things. some bad here and there, probably, but mostly good. yeah.










gonna go do some late night garage cleaning.





drilled a buncha drywall in my garage recording studio today… never really used a drill before a couple days ago which is a lil crazy that avoided it for about 23 years but i’m glad i’m getting to it now… my grandpa is the one who’s helping me construct this room from scratch which is just crazy to me, definitely a valuable skill that has been lost over the generations i believe. i told him i think they took woodshop out of schools cuz they’re tryna make us stoopider, make us less able to rely on ourselves for basic handyman things, so we have to buy everything instead of fixing things ourselves. he thinks it’s a decent theory. i think i’m gonna look around for a local wood working club or something after we get this project done… also it feels good in general to be doing some hard work – manual, physical labor. makes me feel like i am earning this thing. and i definitely won’t slack off on the music making anymore if i’m putting all this work into constructing an actual room from scratch exclusively for music making… to not put it to use after it’s all done, that would be stupid. and i’m not stupid. in some ways. lol. i still like to act dumb, but i need to start differentiating that from my actual intellect and ability to do things… because i have definitely been getting in my own way of doing things for the last few years, but no more. confidence. get shit done. this is my year. clear-minded. attack my goals. whatever that means. consistency. get shit done. all year. every day. here goes nothing/everything.
