

> 21:07

sorry for the late check in – i actually did get up before 11 today but i went straight to band practice and am just now sitting down at my computer for the first time today. i don’t know why blogger doesn’t have an official mobile app, i could really benefit from being able to edit this site on the go but oh well.

i’m grinding through right now. hoping to pile on the “online certificates” – combine these with sololearn and maybe find some more ideas for things to code. i still want to keep my eye on the prize of putting out my own app one of the major app stores of the 1st of the new year. if not that day then at least the first month. even if it’s just the most basic version of itself possible. then i can continue to update it for as long as i can or choose to.

ok so ima get back to that now… be back soooon

< 21:!1



> 00:04

just clocked into ‘work’. i plan to post each day on here and the division between ‘work’ and ‘chill’ within the whole 24 hours. of course, this system still has limitations, but i definitely think it’s evolving in the right direction. for now though, i’m going to define multiple things into ‘work’ and ‘chill’.

– any actual “work” obviously
– updating the blog
– coding / actively researching/learning things on the internet
– practicing things that i aim to make $$$ off of in the future (this is where counting hours is important)
– music stuff
* clearly, there’s some things in here that immediately make money and some that don’t. i will categorize them in another section under Paid? followed by a Y/N (yes or no).

– sleep
– etc.

so let’s see how this goes…

< 00:11

> 01:16

just clocked out of ‘work’ unpaid… finally put an hour into really practicing drawing though which i’ve been honestly meaning to do for years now… i’m going to aim to keep consistent with at least an hour of drawing everyday for the rest of the month/(week/7days).

so if there’s 24 hours in a day, 7 days in a week…. that equals 168 hours a week. i’ve already spent the first hour of the week (just now) drawing do that’s good… ~167 hours left to go. another 6 hours left of dedicated drawing practice. so 161 hours. i want to ensure that i sleep NO MORE than 50 hours this week. (7hoursMAXx7days=49hours+1hourallocatedfornapsforbiphasicsleepcycleattempts.)

so after all that nonsense we’re at 111 hours left. oh crap i just realized i didn’t start the timer again… ok so i just checked the clock i made and i think i can change/adjust it to keep working til now since im actually updating the blog… im gonna let it run on ‘chill’ all night while i sleep, wake up and change it back accordingly. hopefully it’s easy to chart out all these hours and review em at the end of the week…. ill figure out how to do that while clocked into ‘work’… so as you can see, for now, the term ‘work’ is going to be used pretty loosely-because there’s a lot of things i need to set up things that may be sources of passive income in the future, such as this blog, but for now im getting no money on… but if i can easily compare my money made with my time spent then yeah that’d be nice…

i don’t really know what i’m saying just sort of ventilation typing again… ill write some serious content soon with this new method though i think. anyway, so 111 hours left… this week in particular will be tricky because tomorrows thanksgiving. so im sure tomorrow will have to be an exception but im more interested in outlining the general week for me atm… as of now that’s 50 ‘chill’ and 7 ‘work’ hours which is obviously lopsided…

so 168 hours in a week means 50/50 ‘work’ ‘chill’ would 84 hours and 84 hours. if i’m sleeping 50 hours, that’s only 34 hours left to relax w/ friends, family, video games, etc. and i definitely spend a lot more time as of now. also, realistically, i’m not going to be ‘working’ 84 hours a week, but i do think i can make that many hours, if not more, actually productive… idk wtf im saying, tired now but, point is i think this time tracker will help lay out the foundations for a more productive future…

so for now. im keeping the actualy time tracker in a seperate document becuase i don’t want to connect it directly to this blog right away, so i’m just going to manually record here whatever i logged the time as and give a brief of description of what i did and why… so:


00:00 – 02:00 // ‘work’ paid?N
– practiced art
– updated time tracker
– updated blog
– created weekly schedule

02:00 – 09:00 // ‘chill’
– sleep

*will update here

< 01L47

> 12:01

just clocked out of chill and back into work… apparently i slept 10 hours so that’s not good… my phone died so my alarm didn’t go off but that’s no excuse. i’m only lucky that it’s thanksgiving and i don’t have some important morning event that i’m late to because that’s happened before. next week/next month i have to come up with some sort of punishment system for myself if i don’t wake up by 9… 10 at the latest. i want to turn waking up at 10 into ‘sleeping in’ for me because right now 12 is normal and 14 or 15 is sleeping in… and it’s not fun

< 12:04

> 12:59

yesterday (22november2017) i ‘clocked into work’ for the last 10 minutes of the day because that’s when i finally got my “clock in/clock out” spreadsheet working. it is now 13:00 today (23november2017) and for THIS day i have 02:15 WORK and the rest CHILL. gonna post this now so it’s even

< 13:00 damn nevermind *13:01



> 22:52

just got my time tracker set up… it feels good. just ‘clocked in’ at 22:50 – gonna write this blog post til 23:00 then clock out of work after 10 minutes of it lol. then chill for the last hour of the day, then start the 23rd (thanksgiving) off with the plan that i wanted to start the 20th off with this time tracker clock thing.

to explain what im talking about – i made a spreadsheet with some javascript code that allows me to click on a couple of buttons to clock in and clock out and have my time recorded in the things im doing. for now i only have 2 buttons so i split it up in between ‘work’ and ‘chill’. my goal is to track every hour for the next 2 years and aim for 80% work, 20% chill. i think need to put that in for the next 2 years AT LEAST to accomplish even 1/5th of the things that i want to do with my life. i could always aim for more, and i will, but for now i think this hits a pretty fair balance between challenging/obtainable goal.

just checked the calender and apparently november does end on an even 30 days, which marks tomorrow as the last week of the penultimate month of this year, 2017. it’s been a crazy one. honestly, i thought it was gonna be a little crazier in terms of things i did in my own personal life – but i do feel like it was a good set up year for more things to come – both for better and for worse. idk if any of that makes sense but i g2g now bye see you soon with more crazyyytimetrackingswutevers





> 00:29

i found a video that is going to help me a lot. i’ll link it later maybe? if they want me to? who is they? idk? but yeah im gonna log my hours here it goes

> 00:30

> 02:07

i finished the video and feel really good but i got an error in my code but i asked the guy that made the video for help, hopefully he replies. for now, i’ll keep manually tracking time on here. ideally though, i fix it tomorrow and transfer all data to the new “system” and time track through there for now.

< 02:09



> 23:39

today kinda sucked… but im vibin out to reid stefan tutorials now so it’s okay. gonna get on the grind. actually this time. like, for real for real. only i can prove it now is by actually doing ‘it.’ because at this point im the boy who cried “ima git my shit together.”

before i forget – i had the idea to map my day through my 3-4 meals and the hours between them. e.g:

24hrs/day – 4 (1)hour “lunch breaks?” = 20hrs/day – 7(1/2)hrs sleep + 30mins (15mrn,15ngt) = (20-8) = 12hrs left to work/chill… so.. e.g. again:


00:00 – EAT
01:00 – work/chill
02:00 – work/chill
03:00 – work/chill
04:00 – sleep
05:00 – sleep
06:00 – sleep
07:00 – sleep
08:00 – sleep
09:00 – wake/EAT
10:00 – work
11:00 – work
12:00 – work/snack
13:00 – work/
14:00 – EAT
15:00 – work
16:00 – work
17:00 – work
19:00 – EAT
20:00 – work/chill
21:00 – work/chill
22:00 – work/chill
23:00 – work/chill


? leseehowthisgoes

< 00:10



> 23:32

learning python. gonna try and get the sololearn javascript certificate first though. already have html and css, ill post em all here later.  tata







> 09:27

up before 11:00. yay. did a lot of good work last night. yay. gotta keep this momentum going. yay.

< 09:27