
entendrevlog #7 & other productive things… hopefully

today is my first free day in a while. gonna try and take advantage of it, although im off to a lazy start, im still optimistic.

gonna upload the seventh and final (for now) entendrevlog today, which is sort of a practice attempt at a vlog series i’ve been going for/a personal motivator thing. it’s been helpful in giving me a reason to keep my things in check but the quality of the individual videos have been… well im not sure you can even use the word quality to represent them. which, funny enough, leads into the topic for the next arom video that i want to do: quality. that is why i want to give one last “quality” (that word’s getting annoying now) attempt at these entendrevlog videos in a way to wrap them all up in a little hidden mini-series i’ll keep on the side for now – and as another video practice for the next arom video.

i doubt any of that makes much sense for anyone trying to read this but it makes sense in my head and i just needed to write some stuff down so whatever k cool bye.


ya boi iz emploid

just got that cash money from a certain ride sharing company… got orientation for a security gig this sunday. should have a steady income from now on that’ll help me focus on these entrepreneurial endeavors a little easier without the financial stress i’ve been experiencing these past few months. so that’s cool…


gonna try n start fresh tonight

wantin’ to make that switch to wordpress on this lovely evening. i probably should be more focused on content but im too greedy for that style. call it productively procrastinating.

so hopefully all goes well and after tonite will lead to a super shitty looking html website with all this old blogger stuff clumped up in one section then a fresh wordpress start in another section.

look for it in the papers. s’gunna be hyuuuge.


3 months til 22

gotta do everything i want to accomplish by 21 within that time frame


getting my shit together, more and more each day

may be a bit too inappropriate of a title but i felt it very appropriate in the moment.

i have been getting my together more and more each and every day. i’m making more music, organizing more things, and even drawing and reading again for the first time in years.

i actually just used one of those audible youtube promos to get the elon musk biography so i’m listening to an audio book for the first time right now. pretty interesting. also pretty distracting so i’m going to update this later with things i’ve got to do.


personal blog


i am a person that wants to big things in life but can’t seem to do small things first.

i want to change the world but i can’t wake up for class on time.

this started about a five years ago in my junior year of high school. i don’t know what clicked or ticked in my mind or in my brain, but something in me just stopped caring about school. i honestly and whole-heartedly do still believe this was and is with good reason, i have entrepreneurial aspirations that i wish to pursue and the current public education system does not support that life mentality and any way shape or form; however, i think my die hard disagreement with the way things are run in this modern era has led to a steep decline in my self-discipline. in a way, there are pros and cons to this because i do believe it has helped me think of things in a different way than some of my peers, but it has definitely gone on too long and if i don’t get my shit together soon, it is going to catch up with me. and instead of being a successful figure who made it big despite unconventional methods, i’m just going to be another daydreamer thinking about a buncha really cool “what ifs” all day.

and i don’t want that. i want a good life. so i need to do good work. work. work. actually fucking work. not sit around and think about stuff all the time. think about stuff, then do the stuff.

anyways, right now i’m working on a few different blogs but none of them are really going anywhere because i think i’m limiting myself and non useful or creative ways.

this site’s domain name is (currently) registered as my own full name. while, in the future, i may not want this sort of content immediately on the front page of my name – for now, i am going to use it as a test site where i can just write down whatever i want and feel and do whatever i want and feel with the website design. hopefully i’ll learn something along the way.

oh also i’m starting to “read” (at least skim) a book a day. as of yesterday. so that’s a thing.


Happy New Year