
not sure what to title this, just feel like typing.

i want to plan my last 24 hours of april, 2017. it is 1:48 am as i am writing this, leaving me 12 minutes til 2 am, which will leave me with 22 hours left.

i want to start keeping track of my days as 3 different 8 hour blocks – work, play and rest.

i will put these past 2 hours in rest as well as the next 6. the next 16 will be split between work and play. i may not accurately follow this grid every day, it may fluctuate, but i think as long as i keep track it will help me be more aware of my lifestyle and if i’m spending my time in a healthy way or not. i have had a constant feeling of burden with time and it’s fleeting nature for the past few years – maybe even longer. it’s a theme of life that i want to feel like i’m in control of. even though i’m afraid may be impossible to be in complete control of. but maybe that’s just a cop out excuse to not try.

i’m not sure what i’m saying. but i know i’ve been having some good ideas and i need to put them to use. i’m going to turn this website and many other things into something useful soon. i just need to do it. which apparently is easier said than done. but it’s doable. so i am going to do it. whatever it is.

it could be an album, it could be an app, it could be a… buncha other things that i’m too lazy to type right now. but they’ll be cool probably who knows who cares

it’s 1:58 now. 1:59, actually. 1 minute left til 2. and i think i’m changing my mind about the rest. i could do any sort of rearranging with my hour blocks – just as long as they average out to around 8 hours each thing – save for a couple hours here and there for transitional hours or whatever. i got lost, anyway -it’s 2:01 and i’ma thinkin’ of doin’ an hour or 2 of work since i’m feelin’ a bit inspired. i’ll go to sleep at 3 or 4 at the latest, which is usual, and wake up by 12 at the latest – but set an alarm for 10 to check on my phone and make sure i don’t have anything i need to be stressing about for the day. cuz the past weekend i will admit i’ve felt about out of control with my time – but hopefully this will help.

i think i’ll start my hour of work by publishing this “blog post” and going back to finally link that map of 2017 that i was talking about before. so yeah. i think some positive changes are about to happen. i just need to make them happen. i think if i make the right changes within myself, it will reflect in my life. i really want to focus on establishing myself as a professional ready for the “post-college world” this month of may. i need to do work on the products and services i want to create and sell as businesses. i am going to do that work and document it here and analyze my progress and try to optimize my time into a healthy lifestlye. it may be ugly at first but hopefully it gets prettier. but i guess i gotta start to find out. does any of this make sense? i don’t know? but it’s 2:13 and i;’mg oing to press publish now?


preparing for may which will be prep for june which will be the mark of the second half of the year 2017

i don’t know why i’ve grown into this obsession with dates and time but i have… i thought today about how trivial it all is and how much it holds me back. i don’t think “holds me back is really the right phrasing but i can’t think of anything better. obviously, time and dates set a constraint on reality that makes it easier to percieve – we wouldn’t be where we are if we didn’t “know” that today is “27 april 2017” – but i feel like it’s good and healthy to remembef that that’s all made up every once in a while. sure, it’s based on a pretty reasonable system and understanding of the earth rotating the sun or whatever, but that’s just our planet around our specific sun in the midst of millions if not billions if not trillions others like it, but not at all the same… idk what i’m talking about… i wish it were easier to stream of conscious type… i wanted to reference a video in here about how its actually 20,017 instead of 2,017… i’ll link it later. i kind of went on an “off topic rant” as usual (idk what’s up with me n these ” marks rn im sorry i cant stop myself), but i started thinking of all this because i really want to put some sort of ep on my birthday this year and it’s really stressing me out knowing me and how i am with deadlines… but we’ll see how it goes i guess


sorry for the mess

i’m trying to clean up but insert excuse here ~

there’s a lot of things i need to do and a lot of things i haven’t done.

idk what else to say,, i always have a lot on my mind but as soon as i try to put them to words it all kinda goes to shit.

but i guess this is me. i’ve claimed my name with my domain and this is what i’m doing with it. i don’t know.

at this point in time – this “website” is littered with random posts of stray thoughts and attempts at getting organized. who knows, maybe by the time you are reading this it’ll be clean enough to be comprehendible and cool or whatever – but for now, sorry for the mess.


23 april 2017


video upload follow-up: thoughts & reflections

placeholder, will edit later


me trying to find the map of 2017

this is me trying to do life.

trying to find the map of 2017. the key to completing the quest of getting my shit together.

the map will be a document that tracks what i accomplish with every hour, of every day, of every week, of every month, of every year of my life. or at least this one. i was supposed to start this thing in january but that didn’t happen. i kept consistent with my procrastination habits and just barely fit in my “first video” on youtube on the last day of the first month of the year. it is far from the quality i had hoped for, but it’s something. february, march, and these past 20 days of april haven’t been completely wasted, but they haven’t been completely used either. they haven’t been put to their full potential. so, this concept is what i will use to change that.

starting with the google sheets document, which i will link here later:


this is something i came up with at the end of 2016, but forgot about by the time of 2017. idk why, but i figured 4/20 would be a good time to try and revive it. thought it was kinda funny. but yeah, i’m gonna try and find an easier model to keep up to date with – maybe something that will lead into the hour tracker app i’m trying to make – and then launch it to the public on the 1st of june? like a half-way thru the year tracker for all the procrastinators? i think that will be cool. but anyway.

i’m trying to make the youtube video for this right now, but my camera broke a while ago and my phone is being complicated, so it might be a while. but when it is finished i will also link it here:


in the meantime, i’m going to work on this website. “work” as in strip it down to html and make a buncha ‘me trying…’ tabs.

(04/20/17 – 11:53 PM)

i frustratedly finished writing, recording, “editing”, rendering and uploading the video. it says it should take ~30mins to finish processing and finally publishing, which has me a freakin’ out about what the publish date will say for whatever reason


always getting closer

this is a song about always getting closer to getting your shit together but never quite getting there

woah this is weird.

anyway, this is a song i just put up on soundcloud. not the first one, but the first i think i’ve really felt decently proud of. although i know i can still improve a lot. idk if that makes sense. but i think this is the first idea that i came up with a long time (at least a year) ago that i actually came back to and worked on to turn in to a more developed project. i can’t say i did everything i wanted to – i still have a lot to learn in terms of refining sounds – but i definitely a lot more work on this than most anything else i have, which might not say a lot for some but that’s alright with me. i feel good.


me trying…

i’ve been thinking about how i want to structure this website and i’m leaning towards linking all of endeavors back to here under the label of ‘me trying…’

me trying to be a musician, me trying to be a maker, me trying to be a person, etc.
so this, – will be a central. an amalgamation of all the things i try to do with my life. the format will probably change over time. for now, i’m just going to keep the chronological top-to-bottom scroll i already got going on i guess – but i’ll add the additional tabs of me trying at the top… or something. idk i’ll figure it out but yeah.
this is me trying.

i think i got it figured out

what i want to do with this website at least. life, nah.

i want to tie my other projects back to here under the title of “me trying…”

idk how well it’s going to work out or if it’s going to stick but i think it’s a good starting point. in fact, i am going to start it tonight. and start working out all my hours, recording every hour of every day of every week, like i planned to from the beginning of 2017. so i will set everything up in the next month and couple weeks and make a launch on the halfway point of the year, june first, as a marketing promotion to try and get on top of shit for the average procrastinator. (easy to use hour tracker app_



Q1 2017

i need to work harder.