
6hourCalendar /// 24august2017

missed the 11am publish time, but i’ve also been slipping up on the schedules again – so i’m just going to set this to post at 7pm and type a lil’ rant out for now. (currently 5:27pm)

i have actually been feeling really productive lately. which is great. i still don’t wake up at the greatest times but i am being very productive in the late nights, up til 4 or 5am. ideally, i would keep doing this, maybe trim it down to 2 or 3 which usually is the case actually, but still manage to wake up at 7 or 8, 9 at the latest – inducing the biphasic sleep cycle so i wake the fuck up, eat some breakfast, get some shit done, eat some lunch, take a nap – NO MORE THAN 1 HOUR – then i get some more stuff done, lather, rinse, repeat. that would be the ideal schedule.

anywho, as of late, things have been going well. i’ve done decently on my past couple of youtube videos, i’ve been producing a lot more music and am feeling a lot progress in my capabilities there, aaaand coolest of all (for me), i got an offer for a web development gig way earlier than i thought i would thanks to very good friend of mine and fellow entrepreneur. i’m also in the middle of throwing a huge music festival with the lovely nubes, which is inspiring me to finally pursue a bit of a deejaying career which i’ve always thought of. so all this on top of the drum lessons and car rides i got going is starting to add up to a decent amount of entrepreneurial side incomes – that i can hopefully get to all go steady enough to keep going on the side of a “real” job, or, more preferably, turn one of them into a full time paying gig. and then some.

that’s it for now, always more to say but i feel like i covered the gist this time around.

expect developments to the site soon, gonna make some sort of stickied post or at least a more static homepage – then i’ll group off all these 6hourCalendar’s into their own thing. so yeah. yay. bye.


6hourCalendar /// 23august2017


6hourCalendar /// 22august2017


6hourCalendar /// 21august2017


6hourCalendar /// 20august2017


6hourCalendar /// 19august2017


6hourCalendar /// 18august2017


6hourCalendar /// 17august2017


time goals steps
00:00 dnp practice: coding
01:00 dnp practice: spanish
02:00 dnp updating now
03:00 chill/sleep
04:00 sleep
05:00 sleep


time goals steps
06:00 sleep
07:00 sleep
08:00 sleep
09:00 wake up
10:00 exercise!!!
11:00 update blog


time goals steps
12:00 practice: coding
13:00 practice: spanish
14:00 work
15:00 work
16:00 work
17:00 family


time goals steps
18:00 family
19:00 music work
20:00 music work
21:00 music work
22:00 music work
23:00 music work


op – 02:32

just realized i somehow forgot the 16th in my scheduled posts so i’ll give a quick recap of today – woke up 7 and basically drove friends around town/ran errands til 5 then took a nap til 9 cuz it was a crazy few days before that and i hadn’t slept much but from then until now i’ve had a productive night and i think this is a good chance to initiate the biphasic sleep cycle so more on that soon.


6hourCalendar /// 15august2017


6hourCalendar /// 14august2017