



hi there. s’beena while. not a super long while – but a few days. a few days after i said i’m never gonna miss a day again. again. so yeah. there’s that.

yesterday was valentine’s day, which means i needa start lovin’ myself… maybe that isn’t as a direct correlation as i’m making it out to be, but i’m stickin’ with it.

i don’t hate myself, but i don’t treat myself with the type of love that i need if that makes sense… getting into the body, soul and mind type of stuff – i’m not as healthy as i could be – and that’s because of the input that i choose to put in. i need healthier habits. health > comfort.

schedules. strict schedules. stick to em. somethin’ i don’t know… i’m gonna schedule the auto-posts for the rest of the month in the next hour, as well as make my own personal schedule for the night… i have practice at 10 tomorrow, which means i should get up at 9, which means i should be able to get away with staying up til 3 and getting 6 hours of sleep – which also means i have ~6 hours awake to play with currently. but not play – work. so work with… i shoulda just said that then i guess.

i want to finally customize this site to make it my own from scratch like i said i was going to do… and if you haven’t guessed, i didn’t make any money off this thing in january, so we’re starting off the year with a loss… i’m slightly forgiving myself on it but i shouldn’t be. there’s too many things that i want to accomplish in the 2020’s that i need to start working on now.

so i’m going to get to work now then. will update within these 6 hours.







tired. sleepy time. shit. haven’t set auto posts. was slightly productive tho, just not with what i said i was going to be… gonna set tomorrows then do the rest of the months before practice, see ya then.


<02:25 … < i guess tecghnivcally 16feb alrdy… o well





im tired but im managing to get back on track on this shit rn. swearziies, gonna sit down and give the big ol update this whole deserves both today and tomorrow. but rn ima nap. kinda not really.





this is an automatic post. interlinked. 12 hours late. cuz i got fucked up last nite. interlinked.



this is an automatic post. interlinked.



this is an automatic post. interlinked.




im back. but my neck hurts. so i’m gonna set the auto-post for tomorrow and hopefully feel better enough to finally write a lengthy post and update the site a bit again.

i think i like the auto-post i’ve got so far, but i’ll only leave if i don’t get to post before 11:00 (am) or if i don’t get to post at all in that day. in the case that i do get to editing the post before 11:00, i’ll delete the auto-post text and enter the timestamp as usual. however, if i don’t get to it until after 11:00, then i’ll leave the text there and just add the timestamp underneath as i’ve done here, and of course if i don’t get to it all then it will just be the auto-post itself with nothing underneath, as it has been for the past few days.


okay. i finally feel like this daily post system is starting to get settled. looking forward to taking this site into some more real and practical directions finally. *thumbs up*





this is an automatic post. interlinked.



this is an automatic post. interlinked.



this is an automatic post. interlinked.



this is an automatic post. interlinked.



this is an automatic post. interlinked.