

this is an automatic post. interlinked.



this is an automatic post. interlinked.



this is an automatic post. interlinked.



this is an automatic post. interlinked.



this is an automatic post. interlinked.





i need to do a deep clean of my computer hard drive, organize my files and such. thankfully, i’m already on a productive roll – but i’ve tried to do this past and it’s proved to be too overwhelming for me multiple times before. let’s see if i can get through it this time, because my computer is fast approaching non-functionally with all the crap i have loaded on it.

will report back soon. once everything is cleared out and running optimally again, i’ll get started on my scratch wordpress template for this site and really get things goin’… you’ll see. maybe.





this is an automatic post. interlinked.





i think this might be first auto-post that i’ve set and deleted the text for. i don’t know if that makes sense or if it’s even worth pointing out in this fashion but there it is.

anyway, i am going to do a video course now that i bought a while ago and have been sitting on it… should help me get this site really goin just a bit more. so yeah. will be back with more soon, hopefully.





this is an automatic post. interlinked.



this is an automatic post. interlinked. it is time for me to get my shit together. interlinked.




i’m having another one of those brain blasts. another burst of ideas on how to improve my productivity in both an efficient and creative way. but i need to act on it. before it settles back into nothing.

i want to make a comic about time. i thought about it making it daily, but that would almost defeat it’s own purpose and argument against the necessity of a constrained time-based system. i don’t know if that makes sense, but essentially – i’ve had a persistent urge and itch for the past few years or more to find more time to do all the things i want, especially drawing/painting/art, which i feel like was the thing i was most passionate about in my youth until i discovered music, which completely took over. i’m not mad at music for taking over my life i fuckin’ love it – but i wish i had managed to keep up with my random sketches throughout all those years as well. i feel like drawing was a hobby i was just starting to get good at, then at around 12 years old i just completely dropped it for almost no real good reason and i’ve missed it ever since.

but not anymore. i’m going to find a way over the next 2 days that is efficient and quick enough for me to draw and upload (to this site) a picture of a basic comic or at least some form of visual art i made, whether thru physical or digital means.

so yeah. i’m going to combine those concepts of time and art into one project in order to help me manage those 2 things in my life.

moving on, sorta. i also am in need of updating the code to this site and getting off this template game finally, which in turn, will also require more organizing. so i will see where i will dump all these piles of semi-daily posts and where i will put the new upcoming comics and stuff.

i know i’ve been saying i’m going to set the auto-posts for the month for the last few posts, but clearly i haven’t because the last 5 days are missing yet again. so i am going to set the last week now finally, no bullshit this time. and i will also include personal reminders for myself for the last few days of this month to set up ALL auto-posts for next month, March, which will be the last month of the first quarter of 2018.








finally actually did it. all posts for the remainder of the month are set.












this is anĀ  automatic post. interlinked.