



hey part 2














i don’t really know what to do.






i finally did it. i finished the first custom wordpress theme tutorial and now have my own theme i’ve coded from scratch on my own website. of course it looks like crap. and is not practical. so much so that you can’t even reach this blog post from the main website with the way it’s set up. but it’s a big step for me personally. just in sheer terms of getting shit done that has been at the back of the mind just bugging for months. i can still get those things done. even when it seems like i never will… so that’s nice.

let’s see if i can roll this little snowball of success into an avalanche… if that’s makes any sense.







i am finally getting somewhere with this custom wordpress theme tutorial. so much so that i am to erase everything on this website temporarily. goin’ for that blank white page with nothing but ‘Hello World’ text look. also, i accidentally erased all my Java homework from this semester – even while stressing about backing up data the whole time. so that sucks and i’m an idiot. but now at least i can say fuck it what else is there to lose semi-sorta and stop overthinking all this data management computer stuff and just get it done already. honestly i feel like once i get over this roadbump and mental blockade i will hopefully become more productive and at least semi-professional and on the way to living my dream of being some sort of digital nomad that still leads a surprisingly healthy analog life in his meantime. or whatever the fuck. who knows but here goes nothing – let’s see if i can rebuild this website from scratch without screwing up and deleting everythiiiiiiiiiiing







im gettingĀ  further, im getting closer – to what i want to be.


how i feel in the form of a possible song idea or something. i don’t know but if it does turn into a song it is inspired by me trying to do my homework but semi-procrastinating/self-depricating and semi-gettin’ in on with “Fly Away” by Fat Jon.

idk if this sounds as good as i think im hi and outta time



see ya tomorrwo





almost missed another day. but not… today. haha. ha. ha……………………………… wuzagoodone







getting closer and further at the same time… finally caught back up to the place i left off on the custom wordpress theme tutorial i was following a while back, but im pretty sure im not doing it right… and now i have to go and probably remember my place again later and im not sure if the changes in code i make to the files i’ve been playing with are actually going to have any effect on this website… cuz ima stoopid idiot. so im getting closer to just wiping this computer and start from scratch… maybe ill make tonight the last night to try and get as much shit together as i can then just wipe. cuz fuck it. if all goes well this site will look even worse, blank as hell, but it will be my own theme not a premade one from someone else… and also my computer will be wiped afterwards and start from a clean slate and have more than 50 gigs available for the first time in years which is funny i guess idk what im saying none of this even matters who the fuck am i even talking tooo







doin better. cleaning my room as i type this. kinda. i mean, not at the exact same time but – you get what i mean. got people hitting me up to hang out but i don’t want to. i constantly seclude myself in order to get shit done then don’t get shit done then get depressed – but this is one of those rare occasions where i actually am getting shit done so i want to take advantage. first my room, then my computer (which is a fucking disaster and half of the source of my cleaning stress which may one of the most pathetic first world problems i’ve ever stressed this much about… idk if that makes sense but moving on) then my garage where i am supposed to have been doing all my entrepreneurial work this whole time i’ve been dropped out of school but instead it’s mostly been a party/procrastination zone… my home has had major lazy vibes embedded into it for a while now. as i mentioned in a previous post, my gf saged my room. i have felt much better since then. idk if it has a direct actual affect but i needed something desperately so i just believed in it and it has worked. i am grateful for that. i am going to get back to working on myself now.








