


here’s another class introduction that i went a lil more off on cuz the teach seems cool:


My name’s Nate and I’m a drummer trying to learn how to be a coder – or programmer, I guess I should say. I originally went to Berklee College of Music in Boston to study jazz and music theory, but it was way too expensive to feasibly complete a full 4-year degree there (privatized education, go figure) so I dropped out. During my last semester, however, I was accepted into the study abroad program in Spain that was entirely focused on Music Technology – how MIDI works, the anatomy of microphones, the more audio engineering side of things – which quadrupled my interest in computers, which was already pretty strong.

That led me to come back home to San Diego, where I found out that Mesa College offered a 4-course Certificate of Performance in Computer Programming – so here I am!

I have always had strong disagreements with how the public education system works and how education, in general, is treated as a second thought. I was disappointed when I made it to my dream music school then realized it’s the same old A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s and F’s and homework-test-homework-test environment with a musical twist on top. I truly believe we could solve a majority of the world’s problems by investing all – if not, at least more – of our resources into education, and I hope to one day be part of a movement that reinvents the wheel on how we treat education as a society.

In the meantime, however, I gotta pay the bills. Music is fun and all, but it’s really easy to spend money on it, and really hard to make money out of it. I still hope to make it big with my band one day and there’s plenty of other entrepreneurial endeavors that I wish to embark on, and the one thing that I have found consistent between all the different things that I want to do with my life, is that they could all be improved upon with programming.

Anyways, it’s past 3am and I don’t know why I’m some sort of typing spree, apologies for the ramblings. I have a bad habit of staying up late but I will get more sleep for this 8-week course as recommended. I just want to say that even though I am not a school person at all and I despise the usual class work (and my grades usually show for it) – I absolutely love the way that this course is set up with a focus on Linux/Unix and the general bare bones structure of it all. I think this just might be the class to break my curse of not caring about school.

Sorry, that’s a lot for a hello haha. Well, I’m looking forward to the course and excited for a productive summer semester! Good luck, everyone!
