



today was another important day. i gained a lot of direction in my life. i feel more like i have clear goals to aim towards for the next ~5 years or so. i feel like im finally getting over my “fuck school” binge. i still hate the state that the education system is currently in, but i am going to play along with it for my own benefit, then change it once i gain the skills necessary to do so. i am going to focus. focus on 4 major life careers/philosophies:

1) Music/Art (film & animation included)

2) Education

3) Technology

4) Healthcare

the last one being something i had never considered until last week, and i’ve just now discovered it is conveniently the only bachelor’s degree my college (recently but no longer community college) offers. so it works out well. weirdly well. but it makes me happy. gives me purpose. more of it, at least. a safe, reliable, and necessary skill set for the future job market and my best shot at being able to make a living where i want to live. at home.

i feel good. i feel like these 4 skills can help me protect my loved ones closest to me. i also feel like they will apply very well to my ambitions into changing the world into a slightly better version of itself. but first i have to become a better version of myself. so here’s to that.

