



i am finally getting somewhere with this custom wordpress theme tutorial. so much so that i am to erase everything on this website temporarily. goin’ for that blank white page with nothing but ‘Hello World’ text look. also, i accidentally erased all my Java homework from this semester – even while stressing about backing up data the whole time. so that sucks and i’m an idiot. but now at least i can say fuck it what else is there to lose semi-sorta and stop overthinking all this data management computer stuff and just get it done already. honestly i feel like once i get over this roadbump and mental blockade i will hopefully become more productive and at least semi-professional and on the way to living my dream of being some sort of digital nomad that still leads a surprisingly healthy analog life in his meantime. or whatever the fuck. who knows but here goes nothing – let’s see if i can rebuild this website from scratch without screwing up and deleting everythiiiiiiiiiiing

