

07:48PM or 19:48 (19:54 by the time it took me to figure out how to make it show up that way on my computer screen)

ok anyway. i have a lot of thoughts going on and already wasted a bunch of their existence in my memory on energy in order to figure out how to do that… as well as try to make this sentence work.

idk wtf im saying, not a writer, not yet. point is – im gonna take time right now to dedicate to this website and it’s existence as well as others in the world and life and stuff. so yeah. im gonna start out with a list of THINGS I WANT TO BE GOOD AT. just had that idea. thats it thats what its gonna be called. an eternally growing list of things i want to be good at that i jot down and make goals toward and manage and stuff. idk if that make sense but here it goes. im gonna put that “page” inside another “page” called “PAGES”. then ill put that as like a drop down menu tab from the home screen or something or maybe make it’s own page too if it gets big enough which i think it maybe probably will.

so yeah im gonna go do that now but first i want to say what i want my first THING(s) to be is.


the first thing i want to be good at is human.

< 20:04

> 21:27

^ i think i finally found a format i like. i think a lot of things are coming together tonight. i think i am about to make a big update to this website and i think i am going to make this section of ‘it’ (the blog/website) the update log. it will keep track of updates both to itself and of my life. i will still keep this section to be my go to random rantings outlet. sort of like my totally public online journal i guess. that’s one way to say it… i don’t know if i like that way of saying it, but that is one way to say it.

anyways. i just finished an analog web design drawing that i want to implement into this website now. i’m thinking about taking a picture and posting it to here but i’m not sure. i don’t know why. i’ll decide later but for now i’m just going to start working on the website. hopefully i’ll get to implement some code-intensive stuff, but i think most of it is going to be surface level stuff handled by the blogger interface or whatever like moving tabs and posts around and stuff. definitely planning on making the eventual switch over to wordpress or even a more indivually hosted option if ever possible.

alright enough babbling. bye/

< 21:36

> 22:55

holy shit i did it. i powered through. got caught up on a couple things here and there but i think i actually accomplished everything i wanted to with this website tonight for the most part. just had a pretty cool mind blow throw back to happy new year on january 1st of this year on my blog archive. i surprised myself and didn’t realize i actually managed to make at least 1 post a month this whole year. in fact, january is the only month with only 1 post. february has two, and then i kinda go crazy from there. so that’s cool. really cool. i feel good. i hope whoever is reading this for whatever reason does too.

so, i said i was also going to treat this thing as an update log for the site so here it goes:

– changed main header title of blog from “nateqdruen” to “n a t e q d r u e n . c o m”… hope that’s not cheese
– collapsed blog archive from ‘hierarchy’ to ‘flat list’ of months with # of all posts in said months.
– combined ‘home’ and ‘’ tabs into the front page
– removed/added new tabs, any missing old tabs are now added to the new ‘PAGES’ tab and that is where all links to future pages and different projects will go.
– that’s all folks

< 23:04