
entendrevlog #7 & other productive things… hopefully

today is my first free day in a while. gonna try and take advantage of it, although im off to a lazy start, im still optimistic.

gonna upload the seventh and final (for now) entendrevlog today, which is sort of a practice attempt at a vlog series i’ve been going for/a personal motivator thing. it’s been helpful in giving me a reason to keep my things in check but the quality of the individual videos have been… well im not sure you can even use the word quality to represent them. which, funny enough, leads into the topic for the next arom video that i want to do: quality. that is why i want to give one last “quality” (that word’s getting annoying now) attempt at these entendrevlog videos in a way to wrap them all up in a little hidden mini-series i’ll keep on the side for now – and as another video practice for the next arom video.

i doubt any of that makes much sense for anyone trying to read this but it makes sense in my head and i just needed to write some stuff down so whatever k cool bye.