
1 may 20,017

i mistakenly wrote the year as 20,017. well kinda. i meant to write it as 12,017. cuz of this video:

i wrote 20,017 in a couple other posts scattered across my mess of blogs so excuse those as well.

anyways. it is officially the month of may and i have a lot of work to do. it’s actually may 2nd as of me typing this but i made sure to post this yesterday so it could look like i’m not procrastinating even though i actually am. but certainly not as bad as usual.

there’s a lot of things i need to get done this month and i lot of things i want to get done. you can follow the progress on those things more closely at the map of 2017 and monthsandsubjects tabs above. monthsandsubjects being a blog similar to this one, but more themed on the content of learning new material – while the map of 2017 is me trying to track how i spend every hour of my days.

to address the things i need to get done: i need to make some heavy improvements on drumming with druen, both the website and just the business as a whole. i haven’t dived as deep as i know i need to. i need to make this my full time job. i know i want to, and in my head i already do treat it that way – but that’s just thinking about it all the time. i haven’t made the translation into doing that i need to. sorry if these words don’t grammatically make sense or whatever, also sorry i don’t care. this is a self-therapeutic sort of thing so i’m not gonna take the time to fix it. i can’t even seem to type fast enough to catch all my thoughts and turn em into text, let alone correct text. that also probably doesn’t make sense but whatever moving on.

i also need to do mad work on the ep im trying to put out and im absolutely terrified of it because i am almost certain i am going to be disappointed with it in the end… but that’s art i guess.

i also gotta try and do school but… eh. i gotta whole thing on the education system. i was gonna rant on it in this post but i’ll save it for another time. actually i’ll link a video real quick that gives a glimpse of my views:

so i guess that kinda covers the needs for the most parts. ima head over to monthsandsubjects to cover the wants now.