


block 1 done. i almost missed it, but i didn’t. setting alarm for 11:00 so i can get 6 hours of sleep and not miss block 2.

block 1 ; +1SP | total points: [otd] = 1 [oat] = 7



block 2. yay. i actually did it. block 3 and 4 should be ez.

block 2 ; +1 SP , +0 EP | total points: [otd] = 2 [oat] = 8




missed the third block but im not butthurt aboot it cuz i was awake and outside and doin good sheit so isz gud. everyone’s home!

block 4 ; +1 SP , +0 EP | total points: [otd] = 3 [oat] = 9
