


consistency, consistency, consistency… so far, it has consistently proven to be difficult to be consistent in my life.

i am proud to say that i have made a post every month ever since i started this website in january 2017. not every day, but every month at least. it is really satisfying to look at the archives for that reason.

but simply posting every month is obviously not enough to get me where i want to be… wherever that is. i have to do more.

but before i do more in areas that i want to do – i have to do more in areas that i need to do.

i think i could even benefit from writing up a list of my wants vs. needs and publishing it on this website.

but first i need to do homework.

i was gonna make this a short one cuz i gotta get to my hw and it’s already turned out longer than anticipated, but i still wanna talk about these blocks for a sec.

today’s the third day i’ve been trying this “posting points game” method and instead of improving, i have been… deproving?

out of 4 possible daily points — the first day i got the 3 points, the second day i got 2 points and today, the third day, i will be receiving 1 point.

which is funny, because i distinctly remember waking up “early” this morning (10am aka before noon = ‘early’) and thinking “oh hey i can make a post and talk about how even tho i missed block 1 for the day, block 2 is actually more important for me personally because it involves the waking up part.”

anyways, instead of continuing this pattern and letting myself get a 0 tomorrow – i am going to make sure i get my first full score of 4.

let’s see how this goes.

block 4 : +1 SP | total points = 1 [otd] 6 [oat]
