

>20:38 [08:38 PM]


it’s been 8 days since my dog died.

his name was Cloud. he was the sweetest boye and i will love him and miss him forever.

we used to call him “crazy 8” because he would run circles around our couch and table in an 8 formation, right at 8 o’ clock pm on the dot every night.

now he’s “loco ocho” el alebrije en el cielo. Cloud The Dog in the clouds with all the other dogs and cats and people and beings.

surrounding me with love. a month ago i woulda thought that was cheesy af but i can feel it. so it’s real… right? yes. i won’t doubt anymore. i don’t know everything, but i know how i feel and, for the most part, how the other people around me feel. now, it’s just a matter of identifying what makes us feel best, and how i can provide that as well as safety, security & love for myself and those that surround my life.

te amo y te extrano Cloud The Dog <3

