



ayy i got the thing ^ to have a > thing. just had to do two of em >>. who woulda thought.

anywho, i’ve become very clear on what i want to do for the next 2 years in the past 24 hours.

i want to create my own blockchain business, as well as get a job working another one (long term vs. short term, respectively.) i also want to start writing my own cyberpunk comic and post the code i learn how to do or maybe just the finished apps and games made out of that code, in the theme of the comic, which i’ll also make and upload the music for… hopefully… i mean, i know i can, but i also know talking is different than doing and i’ve definitely talked more than i’ve do’ed in my life time but – i want to do this. i really do.

i don’t know if what i’m typing is cheesy but it’s helping. so i guess i don’t care.

today is 01/08/2018 (dd/mm/yyyy) and the time is 23:44 and i am committing to these things. i am committing to this website, i’m committing to these habits, i am committing to this year, i am committing to this life. this past week has been a good one, but i know i haven’t put in the amount of effort that i need to put in every week. and now it’s time to start being hard on myself. not in the way that i have been – feeling bad for subtle but disruptive emotions just let them get in the way of me doing very basic things – (i don’t know if that tangent made any sense but i’m leaving there) but in a way that makes me want to be more productive, so much so that it gets to the point of me needing to be productive. that is where i feel like i am at. i have no idea if this paragraph is readable but i’m gonna continue to go on a tangent anyway. i feel like one of the luckiest people alive for being able to live probably one of the most carefree lives of all time. i don’t know. i go through these phases of feeling really guilty about living slightly spoiled – but i remember that there are lots of people on both sides of any spectrum, including however they grew up. again, i don’t know if that makes any sense – but basically the jist of it all is i want to do a lot of things with my life and i feel like it’s taking me a long time to get to where i want to be even though sometimes i feel like i have 0 actual obstacles in the way of achieving my goals so i feel extra bad when i don’t because there’s so many more people in the world that don’t even get to have goals because there too busy trying to barely survive and that sucks and there is so clearly enough of the “good life” out there to share with – okay, maybe not everyone – but certainly a vast majority more than the people we do. that tl;dr just turned into another tangent and i apologize for that, but the point is… oh yeah, i am committing. to bettering myself, and hopefully one day, bettering the whole world/solar-system/star-cluster/galaxy/universe/multiverse bubble bath.. thing.s and also life/humans/life-other-than-humans/including-dogs-and-dolphinsandiguesscatstoo.

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