

i want to change my day to day behavior.

i want to work harder. i want to improve my life. i want to be who i desire, and who i know i can be.

i need to healthy. i need to manage my time. i need to strictly refuse to partake in activities that i know will either hurt me or not do any good for me. i need to strictly adhere to practicing skills and habits that i do want to be a part of me.

things i want to do before the end of the year (3 weeks):

– make an animation
– make money off this “blog/website”
– make an app (release on 12/31 or 1/1)

im gonna leave it at not… there are some other things i have already committed to but i’m going to say these are my 3 personal goals for the next 3 weeks.

so what do i have to more specifically… and it what order of importance am i going to put this in? well, now that i’m looking at that list probably the exact opposite…

1) MAKE TIME TRACK APP (because it is most closely related to the next job i plan on getting and the most immediately beneficial for me.)

2) MAKE MONEY OFF THIS SITE (because it is making money, even if it’s only a couple of bucks, it will finally make the idea feel tangible for me and “get the ball rolling” on my dream of online income.

3) MAKE AN ANIMATION/CARTOON (because i think it is the next thing that i feel truly passionate about and i don’t know but i just feel a very important need to start my cartoon making career because i feel like i’ve waited far too long already and i don’t want to wait anymore, afraid of it being ‘too late’… hopefully all my years of watching as many cartoons as possible helps catch up for any potentially lost time in getting practice in actual drawing and animating them… idk if that makes any sense but yeah.

> 02:38

okay i just spaced out and scrolled up and realized i forgot to time stamp but that’s okay i also have been forgetting to schedule this whole month so whatever.. guess ima start now. these last 3 weeks. ill be sure to do that tonight. i think ill change the regular schedule upload time though to whatever the blogger default is so it’s one less click to change when i set up every post. also, im going to plan to make the switch to wordpress this month and stick to for the year on. sorry blogger.

anyways, im going to pull up a seperate window for research on each one of these 3 goals and yeah maybe ill reposrt my research here after, maybe not… also i need to organize all my hard drive cuz my data is a mess so yeah i might get distracted but we’ll see.

last thing, i have no time for anything tomorrow but maybe i’ll come up with a default text thing for days i know i won’t be able to post anything then i’ll be back on the 12th… actually wait… idk what im talking about… too tired to type but gotta stay up, gonna call it for now. bye.

< 02:44