
hell yeah! i did something

see post below (insert downward pointing arrows here) it’s a work in progress but it’s a start. i am starting. somewhere. and i just need to keep going from here. it is currently 2:33. rn the my first 6hourCalendar table below is only updated to hour 3, but i also have it recorded in analog in a personal journal of mine to so i will keep that updated whenever i can’t get to a computer/can’t code the table atm, then convert it into digital later. i am really excited about this project, especially with the practical use of html involved that i can finally use as a reason to get better at coding. starting with html/css which i already have my certificates from SoloLearn from which i wanna give a huge shout out to because that service has helped me a ton in terms of delivering the information i want and need in an easy, effective and rewarding way. i know that sounds like a commercial but trust me they are not paying me to say that they have no idea who i am. in fact, at this point in time as i’m typing this no one really knows who i am, or about this blog at least. but i want to change that. and i think this is a big step in the right direction… yay.