

damn that looks nice. first time typing that title from thought to text and it looks cooler than i thought i would. i don’t know if i wanna put a date or number behind whatever yet… but anyways, i’m getting distracted – this my first attempt at my 6hourCalendar idea, one that i hope i will be able to keep consistent with. it is a combination of past systems or mentalities that i came up with or heard of from someone else, that are designed to make me more productive, but haven’t worked. i’m not sure if that makes any sense to you or whoever is reading this for whatever reason, but i’ll get to the point.

from now on, i am going to keep track of my days in the form of 4, 6 hour time blocks that i will post to this blog. i will try my best to keep track of both what i plan to do and what i actually do, but i have tried this system and failed before (“fail” as in, miss a day and get discouraged and abandon the idea altogether) but with this system i am just going to completely prioritize consistency and come up with something that compensates easily for missed days. i’m thinking of, for now at least, just formatting it as a simple table using HTML/CSS or whatever, and making sections for what i plan to do and what i actually do, then just fill them with what i can, and if i got nothing then just N/A or something vague and carry on.

CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENCY, CONSISTENCY. that’s priority number one. i’m thinking of a lot of things in my head right now, i hope this is the start of something great, i know i need to make this work. i think this the thing i need to give this blog a structure and a purpose and a reason to promote it and have people actually read it instead of just blabbering into the abyss of the internet (btw that’s all yer gonna get if you read past this post.) i hope i’m saying the right things here. i know i’m gonna do more.

12:57 AM, 15 June 2017

One reply on “6hourCalendar”

i'm gonna tack on a video here later once i edit it. i've been recording random spurts of ideas on my phone before they leave, but their only one to two minutes each cuz my phone can't store more atm cuz my data management skills suck. but one of the things i mentioned in one of the videos i feel compelled to write out here in text form cuz i'm a weirdo – idk what i'm saying actually, i just wanted to say: i think it's cool that i'm starting this 6hourCalender 6 days after my 22nd birthday which is in the 6th month of the year, which is the middle of the year and it is currently the middle of the night on the 15th of june which is the middle of the month. i'm a bit of a freak when it comes to symmetry in completely irrelevant and meaningless things but god it feels satisfying.

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