
me trying to find the map of 2017

this is me trying to do life.

trying to find the map of 2017. the key to completing the quest of getting my shit together.

the map will be a document that tracks what i accomplish with every hour, of every day, of every week, of every month, of every year of my life. or at least this one. i was supposed to start this thing in january but that didn’t happen. i kept consistent with my procrastination habits and just barely fit in my “first video” on youtube on the last day of the first month of the year. it is far from the quality i had hoped for, but it’s something. february, march, and these past 20 days of april haven’t been completely wasted, but they haven’t been completely used either. they haven’t been put to their full potential. so, this concept is what i will use to change that.

starting with the google sheets document, which i will link here later:


this is something i came up with at the end of 2016, but forgot about by the time of 2017. idk why, but i figured 4/20 would be a good time to try and revive it. thought it was kinda funny. but yeah, i’m gonna try and find an easier model to keep up to date with – maybe something that will lead into the hour tracker app i’m trying to make – and then launch it to the public on the 1st of june? like a half-way thru the year tracker for all the procrastinators? i think that will be cool. but anyway.

i’m trying to make the youtube video for this right now, but my camera broke a while ago and my phone is being complicated, so it might be a while. but when it is finished i will also link it here:


in the meantime, i’m going to work on this website. “work” as in strip it down to html and make a buncha ‘me trying…’ tabs.

(04/20/17 – 11:53 PM)

i frustratedly finished writing, recording, “editing”, rendering and uploading the video. it says it should take ~30mins to finish processing and finally publishing, which has me a freakin’ out about what the publish date will say for whatever reason